LAPIS Analytics develops unique Analysis for benchmarking purposes or as foundation of new investment Solutions.

Lapis Analytics – the research centre

Lapis Analytics
We offer attractive investment Analysis, which are designed to generate steady returns over the medium to long term. At the same time, our Analysis are associated with lower volatility and high liquidity with respect to the Analysis constituents.
Lapis Dividend Yield Analytics

we plan to create and provide additional Lapis Analysis:
Dividend yield Analysis with regional and sectoral focus
Swiss retirement saving Analysis (pillar 3a)
Preferred shares and MLPs
Real estate investment trust Analysis (REIT)
Bond Analysis
Tailor-made Analysis
All our investment Analysis are characterized by optimal diversification, equal weighting and high liquidity. Furthermore, we strictly apply a systematic Analysis creation process based on transparent, proven selection criteria and a periodical rebalancing. Several independent research studies verified the attractive risk-return-characteristics of our unique investment Analysis.
If you want to find out more about us and our compelling Analysis, please get in touch with us:

+41 91 971 16 93